Starlink - The Spaceport

Built for the 2019 BuildCon, Starlink is the defining project of Antares BT. Assembled within a week by Kae, Miao, KC, and Leonidle, it has struck visitors with its level of detail and attention put into every individual building. Featured on


Reach for the Stars

Read the article by Nova Barlow on the Official Minecraft Website!

Starlink by AntaresBT Perspective - Buildcon 2019 - Antares Watermark Comp.jpg

A Spaceport like no other

Carefully assembled by the Antares crew, Starlink features a vast array of buildings and references. Laid out on an artificial island shaped after our team’s logo, the project may be divided into three areas: the central star, where all the highrises and sleek towers are located; the Halo, with its residential area and industrial utilities; and the landing pads, a ubiquitous feature throughout the city and highlighting its role as a vibrant spaceport.

Starlink by AntaresBT - Render by depawo.jpg

A realistic fantasy

The base concept of Starlink is hardly realistic, but our attention to detail has made it, if not impossible, a viable vision for a futuristic utopia. Using realistic urban zoning strategies, we were able to ensure that each building was correctly placed and each area linked to the necessary infrastructure, as well as playing around with the scale and ratio of certain buildings, spaceships, and structures, to bring about a more breathtaking experiment for the player.


Arkadius - Ocean Cleaners


Project Peaceland